Your Thoughts Have Power by Suzanne Scheideker Cook
“When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attractions tends to bring the best to you.” - Reverend Norman Vincent Peale
Mahatma Gandhi’s and Reverend Norman Vincent Peale’s lives and words have always been a source of inspiration to me. Why? Because Gandhi and Peale were great spiritual leaders who believed that your thoughts determined your words, your actions, your deeds, and the path of your life. Gandhi and Peale were so certain of the absoluteness of this concept that they believed that when you changed your thoughts, you changed the world.
Both believed in starting each day with an affirmation, to take a moment to get your bearings when met with a challenge, and to end the day with forgiveness and gratitude. While I’m not as diligent in these practices, I try to start and end the day with powerful affirmations written by individuals like Gandhi and Peale. Another source of inspiration for me was a “Daily Word” article that encouraged readers to do a “Moment Prayer” when encountering frustrating situations in the workplace or home. The concept of the “Moment Prayer” is easy to understand. Take a deep breath and then make a positive affirmation that the situation will work out and then continue with your day. (A universal law is that seemingly simple concepts are always much harder to put into practice.)
Here are some quotes by Gandhi and Peale that I use to start my day, when I’m met with a challenging situation or person, and before I go to sleep each night. I am sharing them in the hopes they will inspire you to start your own daily positive affirmation practice.
Use one of these affirmations to start your day:
“Live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are going to live forever.” - Gandhi
“First thing every morning, before you arise, say out loud, I believe!” - Peale
When you have hit a road block, perhaps one of these will become your go-to “Moment Prayer”.
“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” - Gandhi
“Believe that problems do have answers, that they can be overcome, and that you can solve them.” - Peale
Sometimes, it’s hard to fall asleep because of all the things that must get done, or someone has upset you, or your mind is just racing. Using one of these affirmations might help you truly rest:
“Never bring tomorrow to bed with you.” - Peale
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” - Gandhi
“Before you go to sleep, run over your personal world mentally and thank God for everyone and everything.” - Peale
After reading this post, Diana, my business partner, created a space for affirmations on one of her office walls to start her day off right. I thought Diana’s idea was terrific, and it may give you the inspiration to make your own space for positive reflections to use throughout the day.